Anatomy of an artist

Anatomy of an Artist
I decided to only focus on line and shape for approximately a month.
Usually, most of my projects are based on colors interactions and figures.
This time, I decided that as an Artist, since we are exposed as strange species, I could expose a little dissection with my own vision.
As an artist, we all have a different perception of the world, colors, lines, and therefore ourselves.
I tried my best to draw as a metaphor of my own experience.
Renouncing to colors to find the essence of creativity and show the the lines as a statement.
I decided to only focus on lines and shapes in order to not waste any effort to figure out the real subject.
we are all made of flesh and bones, maybe some more than others.
being an artist makes you always extend the reality to relativity and twist the rules or clichés of just Being.
Let it Be.

Anatomy of an artist, fig.4.
Gambling on the stars,
Ballpen and ink on paper 18x21cm//7x8,2’’
Every night I stare at the sky Think of all I did
And not
Then I bet
What will happen tomorrow Gambling shapes
Putting money on the table Slamming words to the paper Whispering spells to the sky And I let the stars decide
Or not
I gamble on you
On me
And every night I close my eyes Without knowing which color is gonna be the first I’ll see.

Anatomy of an artist, fig 5
Your words are precious,
Ball pen and ink on paper 18x21cm//7x8,2’’
Without noticing
As the tong cling the first letter
The mouth opens
The voice raise
And it has been said
Cannot swallow this
As a gigantic boat
Goes with flow
Some words carry gold
Some others are full of heavy stones
Still they all matters
I won’t remember them always
But I will remember their side effects
Mouth full
Empty pockets
Doesn’t really make any sense now

Anatomy of an artist, fig.6.
My legs are flowing
Ink and ball pen on paper, 13,9x21,6cm//5,5x8,5’’
On that long road
Through my veins
Flowing to the ground
Swimming between trouble water Species from another time
Every scales moving and reflecting the moon
Night and day
The tail is sailing to another land No boundaries to my body
No boundaries to what may

Anatomy of an artist, fig.7.
Eye dropping a sight, not life
Ink , pencil and ball pen on paper, 13,9x21,6cm//5,5x8,5’’
Hard to face the truth
Cruel are the words between us How to change direction
How to make it easier to watch Still in my sight
The vision of that moment
I m not giving up
Rolling it until I see hope
The beauty remain in the eye of the viewer
Still I cannot watch without disgust Eye dropping out
Not life

Anatomy of an artist, fig.8 Unlocking birds
Ink and ball pen on paper, 13,9x21,6cm//5,5x8,5’’
Ground the birds
They ll sing higher
Keep the birds they ll whistle you an anthem
As they fly around
They show you the way to the garden Well guarded from the pests
Where all the spells
Blow in the air

Anatomy of an artist, fig.9
Cloud step
Ink and ball pen on paper, 13,9x21,6cm//5,5x8,5’’
Silently walking through this day Feeling all the lights tickling my skin Shivering in the clouds
The rapture surrounds me
Doubts vanish
I was born a dreamer
Lines and colors are my addictions Nothing is reasonable
Even the dots

Anatomy of an artist, fig.10
Heavy Feathers
Ink and ball pen on paper, 13,9x21,6cm//5,5x8,5’’
Each eyelid carry the colors of each day
From dark to light
Sometimes with warmth and others with chills
Closing my eyes on a glance of blue Blinking on pink
What will remain from that
All my feathers carry the colors Memory is useless
Use your wings
No weakness in any of your gesture Just another flap

Anatomy of an artist, fig.11
Connect my body
Ink,ball pen and gold acrylic on paper on paper, 13,9x21,6cm//5,5x8,5’’
As a flower bloom
As grass wink in dew
Arms swing and blink
Each move is a shake between two earthquakes
Standing still is not option
I am the reed in the storm Shivering, standing, but growing
I bend, I dance, I am
Remaining in the light

Anatomy of an artist, fig.12
Remember the golden moments
Ink,ball pen and gold acrylic on paper on paper, 13,9x21,6cm//5,5x8,5’’
A memory is like a shade Appearing and vanishing without notice
Try to remember the golden ones Still light and blinking
Not a stroke
Not a line
The point is not to forget

Anatomy of an artist, fig. 13 Gifted
Ink and ball pen on paper 13,9x21,6cm//5,5x8,5’’ 2018
Handle with care
Touch with your eyes
Mind your step
Feeling overwhelmed by all of it Drunk from the chaos
Tipsy from love
Gifted by the vision
Blessed by the colors
Thankful for the journey
On my way to borderless universe

Anatomy of an artist, Fig 14
Double//look at the bright side Ink and ball pen on paper 20x29
Check twice before renouncing Try to find the single one
But if there was two
Look at the bright side
You have double chance to meet Stare at them
Be conscious
Feel lucky
Eyes wide open
Or shot
To be found
To be defective
To enjoy what you have

Anatomy of an artist, Fig. 15
Ink and ball pen on paper 20x29
Loaded from the central station of emotions
Shaking as a willow
Hitching from the pain
How many Volts was it? Emerging from the jolts
Like ten thousands notifications You got the message
Have to get over it
Crawling, or sinking
The water is deep
The fear turns out as a fever The octopus is alive