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Artist Support: Art during Covid-19

Writer's picture: jessica moritzjessica moritz

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

Hi Artists, curators, bloggers and art lovers. In this period of pledge and social distancing, it's important to give yourself perspective, opportunities and inspiration.

i tried to reunite for you different subjects to explore according to your taste and wishes:

from opportunities in Israel, and international online open calls ,virtual museum tours, art documentaries, social media tips, creative with kids...

if you want to add opportunities or any link relevant to support the Art community, please contact

these are all opportunities without fees, no sponsor, and we want to make art sustainable, feel free to contribute.

i'll update with new opportunities each week. keep calm and be inspired.

Jessica Moritz

Stay home and keep on Loving art and Making Art

****English following

Israel opportunities :

קול קורא להפעלת במה לשידורים דיגיטליים לתמיכה באמנים ולרווחת תושבי ישראל בעתות משבר הקורונה

מיקום כל הארץ תאריך פרסום 18.03.2020

יוזמה זו של משרד התרבות והספורט תופעל באמצעות חברת פמי פרימיום, שנבחרה במסגרת מכרז תרבות לפריפריה


על רקע משבר הקורונה, הפוקד את מדינת ישראל בימים אלה הפוגע בפעילות השוטפת של כלל אזרחי המדינה, משרד התרבות והספורט מצא לנכון להיערך במסגרת הכלים העומדים לרשותו למתן מענה לעולם התרבות. משרד התרבות והספורט יזם ערוץ לסבסודן של במות דיגיטליות, שמהותו ביצועם ושידורם של מופעי תרבות מתוך תחומי התרבות הבאים:תיאטרוןמוסיקה (זמר עברי ומוזיקה קונצרטנטית) מחולספרותאמנות פלסטיתמפגשים עם יוצרי קולנוע.הפלטפורמה להצגתם תעשה בדרך של תיעודם ושידורם של המופעים במגוון ערוצי שידור דיגיטליים ומסחריים. לנוכח משבר הקורונה, פלטפורמה זו נועדה להנגיש תרבות מגוונת בחינם לציבור בכל רחבי הארץ תוך שימת דגש על הפריפריה, כמו גם לתת במה בתשלום לאמנים/ת, ולכל אותם עובדי/ת במה, המלווים אותם בפעילותם השוטפת, כגון: נגנים/ת, אנשי סאונד וכדומה.יוזמה זו של משרד התרבות והספורט תופעל באמצעות חברת פמי פרימיום, שנבחרה במסגרת מכרז תרבות לפריפריה.  מסמכי המכרז להפעלת במה לשידורים דיגיטליים: more infos

קול קורא למאיירים ואמני קליגרפיה : במסגרת ששבוע המאיירים תעלה תערוכה מיוחדת בבית יוסף באו : " נולד מחדש" אותה אני אוצרת ומפיקה בטח ישמח אתכם לשמוע כי האמנים המשתתפים יזכו לשכר אומן והחזר עבור עלויות החומרים.

תעברו על הקול הקורא ותבדקו אם אתם רואים עצמכם מתאימים לפרוייקט. בהצלחה!

קול קורא

משהו מטריף מתבשל לו, ואולי יעבור הסבה דיגיטלית אם הקורונה תמשיך לנהל את חיינו (?)

בינתיים יוצרים ויוצרות מוזמנים להגיש סרטים קצרים במגוון הז'אנרים.

מועד אחרון להגשה 30 לאפריל

להגשה ופרטים נוספים:

*תרבות בימי קורונה: בלי לצאת מהבית* - קול קורא: שלחו אלינו מידע על הפעילויות שאתן מציעות בעידן הקורונה ועל הפרויקטים האחרונים שלכם - עולם האמנות והתרבות מציע תפריט עשיר של רעיונות יצירתיים לתקופה המאתגרת שנקלענו אליה. אנחנו בפורטפוליו רוצים לשמוע מכם, ולהעביר את זה הלאה - לקהל הרחב של אוהבי אמנות ותרבות ולכם, הקהל המקצועי. אנו רואים חשיבות עליונה - במיוחד בתקופה זו - להמשיך ולתמוך בקהילת היוצרים המקומית.

פורטפוליו מזמין אתכן לספר לנו על השערים הווירטואליים שפתחתן לקהל - גלריות, מוזיאונים, מעצבים, אמנים, אקדמיות ויוצרי תוכן: זה הזמן לשתף לשתף לשתף. ראינו שיש לא מעט יוזמות ברוכות לסיורים וירטואליים בתערוכות שהעליתם, הצעות לתכנים בהרצאות אונליין, סרטים ופודקסטים. שלחו אלינו מידע על הפעילויות שאתם מציעים.

אמנים, מעצבים, יוצרים בכל מדיום וחומר - אם זה מצטלם טוב, ואתם יודעים לדבר על זה - יש לנו מקום בשבילכם. שלחו אלינו את הפרויקטים שלכן, ואת החומרים המתאימים נשמח לפרסם בדפי המגזין. פרטים נוספים על איך לשלוח בעמוד ההגשות שלנו:

בנוסף רצינו להזכיר את הניוזלטר של פורטפוליו, שמביא אליכם, פעמיים בשבוע, את כל הכתבות והחדשות שהתפרסמו אצלנו במגזין, ומאפשר לקבל מבט מהיר על כל מה שחשוב ויפה – וקורה עכשיו. להרשמה:

למידע נוסף ושליחת חומרים:

עמוד האינסטה של הפנזין שלנו מתמלא ביצירות מעולות ואתם מוזמנים לעקוב ולהגיש יצירות > 19DIVOC@gmail. com

Since everyone is stuck at home. We are sending out a new, International, and intergalactic open call about the phenomenon that is a virus.

The idea is to produce a discursive online publication/zine and a memory for the phenomenon that is the COVID-19 aka Coronavirus.

The open call is open to everyone and will be featured on the new Instagram page > And soon also on a new websiteEmail us everything you feel is suitable for the topic >

[Paintings, illustrations, poetry, typography, collages, Photography, etc']

Join us > We are collecting and curating reactions of artists to COVID-19.

פסטיבל ויראלי - קול קורא ליוצרים

גפת הקורונה משנה את העולם, מבודדת אותנו וסוגרת אותנו בבתים. כל תחומי החיים שלנו מושפעים מהמצב ומהשינויים שקורים כל רגע והאי-ודאות לגבי ההווה והעתיד מכרסמת לנו בנפש ובמחשבה. עולם האמנות והתרבות על מוסדותיו הפיזיים משותק . בצל האיסור לערוך אירועים גדולים וציבוריים אמניות ואמנים רבים חשים על בשרם את חוסר הבטחון התעסוקתי ביתר שאת. מצד שני זו תקופה חשובה מאין כמותה ליצור, למען האנושות - למען החברה, למען השפיות. מאחר ואנחנו מכונסים בבתים ומתקשרים דרך טכנולוגיות דיגיטליות ורשתות חברתיות, אנחנו מאמינים כי זו העת להפנות את הזרקור לאמנות המופע הדיגיטלי.

דדליין להגשה: 27.3

Fresh Paint Art Fair | יריד האמנות צבע טרי

מתבודדות? סגורים בסטודיו? זה הזמן המושלם להשתתף בפרויקט הגלויה הסודית! במסגרת הפרויקט, מאות יצירות אמנות מקוריות בגודל גלויה יימכרו בעילום שם ובמחיר אחיד, וכל ההכנסות ייתרמו לקמפוס אריסון לאמנויות, לטובת מלגות לימוד לתלמידים מרקעים מוחלשים. שלחו מייל ל קבלו ערכה ועשו עם הזמן הזה משהו טוב

quarantine? Closed in the studio? It's the perfect time to participate in the secret postcard project!

As part of the project, hundreds of original, open-size artwork will be sold anonymously and at a uniform cost, and all proceeds will be donated to the Arison Campus for the Arts, for the benefit of student scholarships from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Send email to

Get a kit and do something good over time

קול קורא באווירת הקורונה 😎

פסטיבל "ויראלי" - חול המועד פסח

אנו מזמינים אתכם לקחת חלק בפסטיבל חדש שמתקיים אונליין, ויוצגו בו יצירות ומופעים שעושים שימוש מקורי בפלטפורמה. פסטיבל "ויראלי" יתקיים בחול המועד פסח בין התאריכים 9-14 באפריל, יתנהל כולו אונליין ויעשה שימוש בכלים השונים שהאינטרנט והרשתות מספקות - שידורי ווידאו לייב, צ'טים, קבוצות, פרופילים אישיים, משחקים ועוד.

דדליין: 27.3.20

בהצלחה 😊

קול קורא לפרס ע"ש חיים שיף לאמנות פיגורטיבית וריאליסטית

קול קורא לפרס מוזס לציור 2020 מטעם בית האמנים בירושלים Jerusalem Artists' House

שימו לב: מיועד לציירים עד גיל 35 דדליין: 5.4.20

כל הפרטים באתר בית האמנים:

International Opportunities

Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize

The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize is an annual international art prize that celebrates diversity and excellence in the representational visual arts, supporting all static mediums including Traditional Art media, Digital Art media and Photographic media, in all styles from realism and hyperrealism, to pop surrealism and lowbrow. The art prize recognises the most skilled, creative and unique contemporary artists within their category, as well as one extraordinary overall winner.

international online exhibition:

The Open Wide Open Call provides opportunities for artists to share their works in progress on the YouTube Channel - Open Wide. The aim is to find a room for artists to meet each other with the help of electronic communication, share ideas and experiences in a period when it's not possible to meet each other physically.

We are looking for submissions from artists, composers, photographers and collectives etc. addressing the overall theme WORK IN PROGRESS. Up to 30 projects are selected for presentation on the channel. click here to participate

CALL FOR ARTISTS! Please share!

My friends, in light of the numerous gallery closures and cancelled exhibitions, not to mention so many artists are left jobless during this time, Envision Arts is providing a FREE opportunity for everyone to apply! View prospectus at

Art In Isolation will be a contemporary and fine art online exhibition depicting works of art created during quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Subjective and non-subjective works are acceptable. The exhibition will be on virtual display between April 1 – June 1, 2020.

Due to the wide-spread closures of businesses, there is NO application fee to submit. Please enter coupon code COVID19 during check out. Deadline to submit work is March 29, 2020 at 11:59 PM CST.


Minimalism will be a contemporary and fine art online exhibition depicting works of art that exemplify the minimalism art movement. Subjective and non-subjective works are acceptable. The gallery will be on virtual display between April 1 – April 30, 2020.

View the prospectus and apply online at

Eligible media include, but are not limited to: drawing, painting, photography, mixed media, oil/chalk pastels, block/ink print, hanging sculpture or assemblage, digital art, collage, metal work, hanging fiber/textile art, wood work and contemporary craft. Open internationally.

Cold Bench

AIRO is back! join us at our digital residency this easter. stay healthy and bake some art together 💪🇪🇺🌍 [quarantine period 14 days] more info and apply on:

piXel is a online pop-up exhibition connecting people through the arts during COVID-19

COVID-19 is officially declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization and many countries are taking strict measures to quarantine people to try and prevent further spreading of the virus. As a result many cultural events around the world have been cancelled or postponed till further notice. However, as we stay home to protect each other our morality needs to keep strong.

Thus, are digital screens have become our access to the outside world for connection, for work, for information and entertainment. This is not something new as these options existed before the pandemic however the sense of lockdown and physical disconnection, is real for many of us. Hence why we need to find ways to create a sense of continuity and hopefulness by creating a series of online events, where people can connect and find topics for discussion other than the COVID-19.

PIXEL is exploring the idea of creating a pop-up online gallery space in which it will exhibit one artist for 3 days and replacing them with a new one, creating a rolling interest to the platform to discover new artist and have the opportunity to be connected with work of art from the comfort of your home.

The open call is open to all creative disciplines; graduates, students and professionals from all around the world are welcome to submit!

Requirements: + One piece of work: image or film + Artist name + Year made + Short description 150 words max (Optional) + Website, instagram or facebook (Optional) + Country of origin + Contact details (Optional)

The call has no deadline and artwork will be displayed as we receive it.

First artist will be published on 24th March 2020

All work and enquiries should be emailed at:

Please note that we are accepting submissions! The website will be launched on the 24th March 2020 with the first artists!

Dear artists in the broadest sense of the word,

On the internet they are currently circulating dozens of open calls stimulating the artistic reaction against the Covid-19 virus. As recent creators of "The Nomadic Art Gallery", in New Zealand, we are amazed by the innovative campaigns that have already been launched. Since the aim of our unconventional mobile gallery is to bring art to the people through different thematic exhibitions and artistic interventions, we also make an appeal to share your digital initiatives and videographic work.

Having organized 4 exhibitions, at various events such as the Hamilton Garden Arts Festival and Pride Parade in Wellington, and having been on several New Zealand radio stations, we would like to use our traveling art gallery as a symbol of "freedom" during those lonely times worldwide. As the virus continues to disrupt the daily lives of people across the globe, forcing many to isolate themselves, we are giving the opportunity to send personal and artistic messages of what it means to be free now that you are locked down. Those messages would, in turn, be diffused in New Zealand, where such a national “lock-down” measure has not yet been put into place but could be enforced anytime. It would be a way of reflecting on our "freedom" as individuals. It is only when our freedom is taken from us that we realize how precious it is and how it can be confined/defined creatively.

To be able to develop this, we would need as many artists, ONLY FROM LOCKED DOWNED ZONES, as possible to send us their artistic messages, through video. Videos of one minute maximum where you explain, in words, pictures, movement, etc., to us what you miss the most about your “freedom" and accentuate it as a mental state . These videos will be shown throughout three randomly chosen locations in New Zealand, in our Nomadic Art Gallery, where viewers will physically have the opportunity, one by one, to hear and see these stories. The whole exhibit and its reactions will also be streamed live for those, for obvious reasons, not able to come.

Send us your videos before the 22nd of March to the following email address, as mp4 files, with the subject line "Lockdown":

Open call for artists who are currently working on the topic of "social distancing" and therefore creating social distancing art. This a very fresh term and we have no idea what will come out of it. Still, humans always have the drive to express themselves, no matter what situation they find themselves in. We're thinking about topics like loneliness, boredom, laziness, "Lagerkoller" (german term for the urgent need to go out and leave the house). Feel free to chose your own infectious topic.

If you are interested send us your contributions to:

Send us jpegs, pngs, mp3, videos, links et all.. (formats have to be web proofed)

We will present your work on our SODA-Festival online platform.

Later this year your artwork will be displayed in our gallery, after the end of general shutdown.

Arrival Room is a non-profit organization which is located in south-west Germany. We are a socio-cultural platform for migrants art and projects from all over the world. Right now we are suffering from Coronavirus shutdown in Germany and want to do something about it. We'd love to see contributions from all over the world!

Bye, Eugene



– Story Lines

Deadline 15th of April 2020

We’re looking for outstanding artistic positions to our 2020 edition: FUKT – Story Lines.

After launching 18 successful issues, we’re now in the search for drawings focussing on stories, sequences and narration.

We want to engage with the theme in multiple ways – the drawings can be abstract or realistic, sequential, conceptual, experimental, text based or purely visual. Rather than the classical comic format we are looking for drawing based work that approaches “story telling” as such in multiple ways. Is there a touching, interesting, moving or exciting story behind the work that pulls us in? Or does the work in itself has a narrative? Maybe it tells a story through the way its done, or how it looks? how complex or simple can a drawing be to tell a story? do sequences have to be linear? We’re particularly interested in work that challenges the theme and surprises us.

If that sounds like you, then we would love to see your work. Email your images and project descriptions to

Submissions should be sent as a PDF or JPEGS (no more than 5 megabytes), feel free to include links to websites or projects. Please write a few lines about how your works relate to the theme.

You can read more about FUKT here:

We are looking forward to your submission and please spread the word!




Submission Deadline: Tuesday 31 March 2020 at 16:00 UTC.



An exhibition curated by Ayshia Taskin in association with [SHIFT:ibpcpa]


The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is one of the most terrible contemporary disasters to befall humanity on a global scale. People around the world are suffering. Either through being infected with the virus and require intense medical treatment or are in lockdown in their homes.

Although this is a daunting moment in human history, art, culture and humanity mustn't be abandoned! Preserving a connection to the humanities is the main reason 'In 24-Hours' originated. This exhibition is an open call for video, performance art, digital image, sound art, paintings, poetry, photography or any work that can be shown digitally, online or live-streamed through the [SHIFT:ibpcpa] platform.

The exhibition, 'In 24-Hours' aims to build a resilient, creative community during such harrowing times. And to keep hope and motivation afloat through the showing of exciting pieces of work from a global group of artists.

It is FREE to submit work to this exhibition.


A work of art from a different artist exhibited for 24-hours. The opening days are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and everything will be presented online due to current and upcoming community lockdowns. Artists from any country are welcome to submit work. The exhibition will take place three days a week and aims to show the work of as many artists as possible within the timeframe between April - June

Please email



Great news! The Museums from Paris gave full access to over 150,000 artworks for the world to use for free. We want to take this opportunity and make something amazing together.Have you ever dreamed of being part of an art revolution? Together, we can change the way art is created and consumed. We’re organizing an open call to bring these masterpieces into augmented reality.And we at Artivive want you to be part of it.

Arrival Room is a non-profit organization which is located in south-west Germany. We are a socio-cultural platform for migrants art and projects from all over the world. Right now we are suffering from Coronavirus shutdown in Germany and want to do something about it. We'd love to see contributions from all over the world!

We have an open call for artists who are currently working on the topic of "social distancing" and therefore creating social distancing art. This a very fresh term and we have no idea what will come out of it. Still, humans always have the drive to express themselves, no matter what situation they find themselves in. We're thinking about topics like loneliness, boredom, laziness, "Lagerkoller" (german term for the urgent need to go out and leave the house). Feel free to chose your own infectious topic.

If you are interested send us your contributions to:

Send us jpegs, pngs, mp3, videos, links et all.. (formats have to be web proofed)


In light of galleries and art spaces closing their doors I have created Open Call Artists

(@ opencallartists) on instagram, and online gallery that features weekly artist residencies.Please if you are interested submit our work to the email

Online submission of printmaking works, no fees and no age limit. Open to all Printmaking artists worldwide!

max 2 entries, high resolution Send your work images on the email Final date- 31st march 2020

Video makers:

browse and submit your short, art video, or movie online via these different platforms

(filling one time only your project and then submit to all)

Short Film Depot here

One Small Postcard Can Make a Difference! To participate, please email your name and address to

CALL FOR ARTISTS & PHOTOGRAPHERS - Inside Small Art Exhibits Postcard Exchange! INFO:

Israel Galleries, Museums and Resources

enjoying online art collection (galleries and museums)

Galleries in Tel Aviv:

Hanina: here

Binyamin Gallery: here

Benyamini Contemporary ceramics center: here

Maya Gallery virtual Gallery tour via Degorla

Uta Patinkin - The Card Players, Galia Pasternak -The Painting Teacher,Shira Gepstien- Moshkovich (Artist Wall): available here

Raw Art : here and current project Shuttle with Maya Perry available here

Zemack contemporary Art gallery virtual tour: watch here

Rosenfeld contemporary virtual visit: available here

Litvak Contemporary : here

Enjoy more Art galleries thanks to incredible technology and work from Degorla: here

Museum and cultural center Israel:

עקבו אחרי חשבון האינסטגרם של המוזיאון:

:בית התפוצות//Beit Hatfutsot

Staying Indoors? Visit Beit Hatfutsot From Home

כעת כשאתם בבית עם הילדים,

מוזיאון העם היהודי בבית התפוצות מרכז עבורכם מספר פעילויות כיפיות שאפשר לעשות יחד, גם ללמוד על הדרך, ובעיקר להיות יחד ולחזק זו את זה ואת הקשר המשפחתי: here

online visit and resources:

אנחנו אמנם סגורים זמנית, אבל ריכזנו עבורכם מספר תכנים לקטנים ולגדולים שיכולים לעזור ולהעביר את הזמן בבית.

סיור וירטואלי בתערוכה "יונתן ויניצקי: היקום:

תוכני וידאו נבחרים מתערוכות ואירועים במוזיאון:

מדריכים קוליים אונליין עם מידע על יצירות נבחרות של המוזיאון:

דפי יצירה והעשרה לכל המשפחה:

בתקופה הקרובה נמשיך לעדכן בשוטף תכנים חדשים, מזמינים אתכם להמשיך לעקוב אחרינו באמצעות אתר האינטרנט שלנו והרשתות החברתיות.

עקבו אחרי חשבון האינסטגרם של המוזיאון:עקבו אחרי חשבון האינסטגרם של המוזיאון

you can find also some informations in our Blog about Israeli Artists and galleries

:עקבו אחרי חשבון האינסטגרם של המוזיאון:

International resources

Explore these 11 museums from around the world:

The british museum, Guggenheim Museum, New York, Musée d’Orsay, Paris ...

Guggenheim Museum Releases Over 200 Modern Art Books Online for Free access here

Get free Adobe creative cloud for 2 months, and start doing digital art : here

Art History Classes You Can Take Online (for Free) via Artsy

Basel Online : here

Milan Cinematheque online : here

Royal Opera House free online broadcast : here

The Albertina museum of Vienna,

Experience the artworks of the Albertina at Home, using Augmented reality //with artivive

Online exhibitions of Frida Kahlo

Faces of Frida, via google arts and culture

Paris Museums Put 100,000 Images Online for Unrestricted Public Use

Google arts and culture propose different visit and resources available in many languages learn more here

10 Binge-Worthy Art Podcasts in the Age of Coronavirus via The New York Times

The Jealous Curator, aka Danielle Krysa:

Artist, curator, Blogger, really nice to read and listen to her podcast and her instagram feed. online here and on instagram here

She also initiated a cool challenge during COvid-19 on instagram:

DIY curators let loose on huge online collection of British art click here to learn more

Online Art class by Imaginarium Studio :

CreativeMornings is the world’s largest face-to-face creative community

Learn more about Yaara Sachs , Artist, curator of Pop UP museum Tel Aviv: here

Enjoy the Joy of Slow by Amit Noyfeld

Amit Noyfeld is the founder and editor of the Slow movement website ( and author of History of Speed: A philosophical and practical guide to slowing down. Watch as he inspires us to integrate slow into our lives. here

many talks available in many languages

Inspiration "Social Distancing" in Art

15 Artworks That Perfectly Capture the Dissipation and Ennui of ‘Social Distancing’ click here via Artnet

Aritsts resources online via Creative Capital

looking for support, learning new skills, grants, or medical support : click here

if you are a free-lance and if you are looking for: General preparedness resources, online platforms, health and mental support, temporary/remote job opportunities and more

click here

New York Metropolitan Opera Show Show >

Access to the interactive virtual museum "The origins of life" >

Virtual access to various museums and galleries in France and abroad > and and Free-access cinema classics > and and Virtual tour of the sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum >

Neil Young live concerts > Broadcast of Paris Opera shows > Different sites, media and TV channels make their contents available for free > Arte Concert shows every day at noon a full concert on her Facebook page > More than 200 documentaries, live, and videos dedicated to free-access electronic music on YouTube >

14 Paris museums give free digital access to 150 works >

A nice drawing game to do with friends, roommates or family, requiring only paper and pencil > Berlin Philharmonic gives unlimited access to all its concerts > Berlin clubs launch streaming platform to keep dancing at home >

The French film library makes more than 1400 archives available >

Simple photography lessons on TikTok >

Seven virtual tours of museums and science-related projects accessible to all >

The French Ministry of Culture launches a page to list all cultural events accessible from home >

The publishing house Dargaud and Le Ferret du Nord offer free-access comic books and ebooks >

Watching art movies, documentaries

Recommandations on Netflix:

Abstract,Step inside the minds of the most innovative designers in a variety of disciplines and learn how design impacts every aspect of life.

Starring: Olafur Eliasson, Neri Oxman, Ruth E. Cart

available here

Sky Ladder: The Art of Cai Guo-Qiang Known for his spectacular pyrotechnic displays, Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang creates his most ambitious project yet in this breathtaking documentary. Starring:Cai Guo-Qiang

available here

Velvet Buzzsaw

A feared critic, an icy gallery owner and an ambitious assistant snap up a recently deceased artist's stash of paintings -- with dire consequences.

Starring:Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Zawe Ashton

Access to Imago, Netflix of documentaries about ecological transition >

On Youtube i started this playlist about Art

available here

Online Solutions to promote and sell your work

Thinking about online solutions for selling your work:

What Actually Works When It Comes to Selling Art Online? Successful Early Adopters Share 5 of Their Business Secrets via Artnet: read here

Using social media as a platform of support and opportunity to sell via the project :

Artists Are Pledging to Support One Another During the Health Crisis by Buying Each Other’s Work Through Instagram: read here

other project via Instagram

An Instagram exhibition created by @giadapellicari involving artists living in 'confined red areas' due to the #coronavirus emergency in Italy here

Using platforms such as Saatchi, Artsy, Creative Debut, Ello, Society6, ... All depends of your content and market.

Instagram is a great platform to discover and connect with your community.

pay attention to your caption, your content and define yourself goals

look at other artists page, support, interact and why not collaborate

Here 's a post to have some professional tips about Instagram to promote your work via Art business here

Learning new skills:

lectures, but now also education and resourc

Teach also via via Webinar: learn more here

or via Zoom, available here

Domestika (thanks to mementoanalysis)

#stayathome free e-learning

We’re learning a lot about the positive impact that an online community can have in the unique situation that we are facing today. Staying at home is the safest option for us all, and in support of this, we’d like to offer you a selection of our courses for free. Let’s stay safe and keep learning together.

Art with kids:

Coloring books by Israeli Artists:

כמה מחברינו היקרים והמוכשרים הכינו לכן.ם ומשפחתיכן.ם דפי צביעה סופר שיק! ריכזנו לכן.ם כמה:

בועז סידס UNTAY:

נועה קלנר:

since Toilet paper is the new trend why not making Art with your kids

UNESCO publishes a tool guide to help students and teachers adapt to school at home

> Children's film festival for children stranded at home >

these are all opportunities without fees, no sponsor, and we want to make art sustainable, feel free to contribute.

i'll update with new opportunities each week. keep calm and be inspired.

Jessica Moritz

*hebrew or english is not comfortable for you, copy/paste in google translate


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